Jeff in Krakow, PL with two members from Kyiv congregation
The war is nothing short of a real nightmare! I still have close friends back in Ukraine in harm's way. We pray for them daily.
Thus far, Messiah's Compassion has been able to assist several families and individuals who recently evacuated from Kyiv, Ukraine. I first met with believers from our Messianic Jewish congregation in Krakow, Poland. That family went on to France where they found temporary housing. The next evacuees from Kyiv whom I met were staying temporarily in Warsaw with friends in a very small apartment. I was able to connect with the Czech Pentecostal churches and find them housing in NE Czech Republic. It has been amazing to see how both Polish and Czech believers are actively engaged in serving thousands of evacuees from Ukraine. Each country usually has a humanitarian aid welcoming center where evacuees can get food, water, needed clothing, and mobile phone sim cards functional for the arrival country.
During the course of time in Krakow, Poland I met with a Messianic Jewish family who was helping both Jewish and non Jewish evacuees out of Ukraine and to find temporary housing in Poland, Germany, Israel, and Norway. Messiah's Compassion financially assisted this Messianic family since the father had taken off work for about 3 weeks to organize all of these activities. They have several children and the special offering was really appreciated. Additionally, Messiah's Compassion was able to financially assist another evacuee who is a Messianic Jewish pastor from a suburb of Kyiv who was in transit to another country. We prayed with this pastor and another woman evacuee accompanying her.
My good friend Leonid is a Jewish Messianic leader in Odessa, Ukraine who has helped dozens of Jewish and Slavic families evacuate to Moldova. Many of these families have now gone on to Berlin, Germany for assistance and temporary housing. Pastor Leonid continues to hold shabbat services and recently during a Purim service 14 visitors (Jewish and non Jewish) came and prayed for salvation, receiving Jesus as Messiah!
Pastor Alexander in SE Ukraine, another Jewish Messianic leader, has been purchasing foods for needy Jewish individuals and families in his city of Zaporozhye. They have continued to have online services via zoom. Several of his Jewish and Slavic members have evacuated recently to Poland.
I am praying to set up a temporary base in Cesky Tesin, Czech Republic about 4 hrs from the Ukraine border. (Please continue to pray for direction, as my ministry vehicle and many belongings, Bibles are still back in Kyiv, Ukraine.) The Czech leaders here have been so open to show compassion and some of the pastors regularly pray for Israel and the Jewish people. With the Lord's help, Messiah's Compassion can reach out from here to both Ukraine and Israel. Additional support has been sent to a partner congregation in Haifa, Israel where they are expecting many new immigrants to come from Ukraine. Let's pray that many Jewish people come to receive prayer and practical help there so their hearts will be open to the good news of Messiah Jesus.
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