Thursday, February 17, 2022


New Jewish believer w/ Pastor in Poltava

I (Jeff) want to thank you for your ongoing steady support and especially for the prayers for the recent ministry among Jewish people in Poltava, Ukraine. Three Jewish people prayed to receive forgiveness of sin and accept Yeshua as Messiah! The Messianic Jewish congregation was so warm and receptive during the preaching of the Word. I am truly grateful for the opportunity and the potential to begin going there periodically to reach out to more Jewish people in this beautiful central Ukraine city. 

Thank for prayers for peace and that the opposers of the Ukrainian nation would back away and allow people groups to live in freedom without the constant pressure of a full invasion. There is not outright panic in Kyiv, but rather vigilant preparation for the potential of greater conflict country wide instead of just the Eastern part of Ukraine. Please pray for revival among Jewish Messianic congregations and especially all evangelical churches to come closer to the LORD in prayer and unity. 

Pray for my planned return trip to Ukraine in early March to assist many elderly Jewish people in need. It was necessary for me to return to the States for a few weeks to do closing 2021 accounting and conduct a scheduled annual Messiah's Compassion board meeting. Pray for wisdom, divine protection, provision and a way to enter into ISRAEL during 2022 to serve more Jewish people there too.

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