The Messianic Jewish congregations around the world will be celebrating Shavuot (Pentecost) very soon on June 8th and 9th. Scriptural References: (Leviticus 23:15-22) Please ask the LORD to draw Jewish people who have not yet received Messiah to the various special events and celebrations. Pray for an openness and understanding of Scripture that will be presented. Pray that those Jewish people who came and responded during Passover services will return and have a connection for discipleship, growing in their new relationship with Jesus (Yeshua). The Holy Spirit wants to interact with these new Jewish Messianic believers, drawing them into a serious prayer life and study of the Scriptures for spiritual sustenance and maturity. (Acts 2) As they are empowered by the Spirit (Ruach), they will become bold witnesses among their Jewish family members and friends - propelling the good news.
Although things calmed down somewhat following the early May rocket attacks out of Gaza, Israel was being targeted subsequently by border riots with terrorist groups who started several fires that burned up valuable crops and property. A week later, extreme heat led to increased fires; some other countries came to assist Israel in fighting wildfires. Additionally, pray that Jewish believers in the Land will have great opportunities to share about the Messiah during Shavuot "Pentecost" among their communities, and that the LORD's purposes may be lived out in these believers' lives.
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