Sunday, May 5, 2019


Urgent prayer is needed for Israel, and Jewish people around the world. In the past two days rocket attacks from Gaza have claimed the lives at least 4 people, not counting the injuries among those being used as human shields in Gaza by the Hamas terrorists who are sponsored by Iran. Please pray for calm. Pray for Jewish Messianic believers to share the good news of Messiah during these difficult days.

Please continue to pray for those in the Jewish community of Poway,  California who last week faced a shooter in their synagogue, in which a Jewish lady lost her life and at least three others had injuries. Sadly, this took place on the last day of Passover celebration- about a year ago since the shooting took place in Pittsburgh, PA where 11 Jewish people perished, including a holocaust survivor. A surge of anti-Semitism has commenced in North America recently. Evangelical believers have a responsibility to pray for all Jewish people, love and protect these children of Jacob - especially for their salvation by their coming to Messiah Jesus (Yeshua) in reconciliation of the God of their forefathers.

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