Thursday, October 17, 2024

Serving in Israel during FEAST of TABERNACLES

The Israelites were commanded to rejoice during the Feast of Sukkot (Booths) as according to the Scriptures. It has been a great joy for Messiah's Compassion to serve in the midst of troubling times, and yet bless the Jewish people during these Fall biblical holidays!

Several prayer meetings took place recently in Ma'alot with some local leaders and prayer partners. The LORD opened doors to share testimonies with a Jewish couple from Ukraine. They allowed us to pray for the physical needs as well. Despite the background sounds of various aircraft and defense systems, the LORD was gracious to allow these interactions and special prayer meetings. The Holy Spirit definitely is opening the hearts of the people to hear and thirst for His Word while seeking answers to all the complications of the war in Israel and Ukraine. (Additionally, Jeff was invited to preach via zoom internet for Zaporozhe, UA- Messianic Jewish congregation during Feast of Trumpets.)

Messiah's Compassion has been grateful for your prayers for protection. Several air sirens have caused us to go to the bomb shelter, but thankfully these have only been for short periods of time.

Thank you for your steadfast support and prayers! Messiah's Compassion is focused on obeying the LORD, and may He continue to guide and open doors to serve. The congregations in Israel are doing well. 
Serving Jewish seniors with Return to Zion congregation

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