Friday, July 12, 2024

Remembering & Honoring Urjia

                            (On the right) Nelli & Gideon Bayer hold photo of son, Urjia

Gideon and Nelli’s son, Urjia Bayer, an Israeli army soldier, died after receiving a fatal head wound during a battle in Gaza in December of 2023. The Bayers, Messianic believers, originally from Germany & Ukraine, (Urja was one of their four children) have dedicated their lives to serving holocaust survivors and elderly Jewish people in a special care-giving facility in Ma'alot in northern Israel. Thousands of people, including city leaders and rabbis, attended Urjia’s funeral. Nelli boldly shared about God’s faithfulness to their family, about Urjia’s faith in Yeshua (Jesus) and his dedication to voluntarily serve his country of Israel. (non-Jewish residents are not required to serve but may volunteer). It was an honor to hear about Urjia’s faith, selfless sacrifice, and then pray for the Holy Spirit to strengthen Gideon, Nelli and their three surviving children. Messiah's Compassion was able to pass on a church offering to help their family and ministry. Would you please continue to pray for the Bayer family and others like them whose sons and daughters have perished while defending Israel?  

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