Sunday, December 17, 2023

Hanukkah in Zaporozhe, Ukraine

Though the air sirens often are sounding off, Messiah's Compassion has been blessed to come to Ukraine to meet and bless Jewish people during Hanukkah! It was a 2-day drive from the Czech Republic to Kyiv and then an overnight train on to Zaporozhe. Thank you for prayers for protection and for giving to bless these precious people during the ongoing war. What an honor to meet, bless and pray for the Jewish people. Messiah's Compassion helps aid needy Jewish and Slavic people here with food packages, winter necessities, and medicines. Zaporozhe is not far from the front lines of the war and has had numerous rocket and drone attacks on its population.

Thank you for your continued prayers for ISRAEL, for the release of hostages, soldiers' protection, and boldness for Messianic believers to serve others during this war.

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