Thursday, December 30, 2021



December has been a really busy month of travel and ministry for Messiah's Compassion in Ukraine. Our partner congregations have done many visits to Jewish homes with food bags in Kyiv, Odessa and Zaporozhye. At least three Jewish people that we visited prayed to receive Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah and forgiveness of sins. What a joy it is to share the good news of Israel's Messiah with the ones to which He first came to save (the lost sheep of the house of Israel)!

In southeast Ukraine, we met with a number of small groups of Jewish people who have special needs and with retirees on meager pension incomes. Inflation has been going wild here in Ukraine over the past 6 months with all utilities rates increasing in cost as well. The food package adds a blessing to these special Jewish people who have fixed incomes. Thank you dear friends for such faithful giving and prayers! Messiah's Compassion keeps moving forward in its calling to serve Jewish people because of you!

Messiah's Compassion has prayed for people with cancer and other physical infirmities. These Jewish people sense the movement of the Holy Spirit, and it thereby opens their heart to hear more of the good news of Messiah. Please keep praying for a harvest of souls during these turbulent times under the threat of more war from Ukraine's neighboring country to the EAST. Pray for our partner congregation to create special follow up teams for visits and discipleship / Bible studies for those who cannot travel out to regular Shabbat services.

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