Friday, September 24, 2021


                                                               Jeff and Jewish man in Odessa

Friends, we are living in some critical times. It is so vital that we intercede for Israel and the Jewish people even more fervently. Sadly, data has shown that anti-Semitism has been increasing in many countries like Ukraine, Russia, and especially western Europe where old stereotypes and attitudes toward Jewish people persist even though the persecutions and the holocaust transpired on their territories. Mostly, intercession should pervade the throne of God for their Jewish people’s spiritual restoration through the Jewish Messiah Jesus (Yeshua). Their spiritual salvation is absolutely the highest priority, even more so than that of physical welfare. Messiah’s Compassion is committed to keep each aspect in its proper place, loving, praying and caring for Jewish people. Do you or your congregation regularly pray for Israel or the Jewish people? While I have found that many spiritual leaders love to tour the land of Israel, a smaller number have a strategic plan to pray for Israel and the Jewish people. - There are specific needs like praying for Jews who just recently have returned to Israel from other countries. Please pray likewise for congregation leaders and their members who are following Jesus as their Messiah. They often face discrimination or persecution from religious Jews or some other Israeli organizations. Pray for Jewish young people to receive Yeshua (Jesus) and become solidly discipled in God’s Word. New leaders are in high demand for Jewish Messianic congregations in Israel, Ukraine and other countries. Pray that more of these congregations would start their own outreaches serving needy Jewish people in evangelism through Messiah’s Compassion and other similar organizations. Pray for virus travel restrictions to be lifted for Christian workers to return to Israel to bless and serve the Jewish people, sharing the good news of Messiah. Please pray for unity within Messianic Jewish congregations and humility among their leadership so that Satan does not bring discord and division. Pray for miracles, signs and wonders, healings and strong teaching of God’s Word among Jewish believers for stability.

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