Friday, May 14, 2021


(L to R) David A. Baker, Jewish believer, and Jeff 

It is a great joy to share the good news of Messiah with Jewish people this Pentecost / Shavuot season! Rev. David A. Baker has come to preach, teach, and to pray for the Jewish people in Kyiv, Odessa and by internet for Zaporozhye. Each person and / or  family who receives a food package expresses their thanksgiving for such generosity by believers from the U.S.A. who donate to Messiah's Compassion. "Pentecost" / "Shavuot" is the Feast of Weeks festival found Leviticus chapter 23. It starts 50 days following Passover. It commemorates the event when Moses received the Commandments of the Lord and likewise looks back on Acts chapter 2 when the Holy Spirit was given to those followers of Yeshua (Jesus) when they waited in Jerusalem for the Promise prophesied. Excitedly I share now that Jewish people have prayed to received Yeshua as Messiah here in Odessa recently.

Please pray for ISRAEL which is being bombarded again by rocket attacks by terrorists. With the LORD's help, victory can prevail over Israel's enemies. Pray for calm in the Land  and for protection of those in harm's way. During this season, pray that believers will use the opportunity to share the good news of Messiah  and His hope for all Jewish people and the nations. Hearts may be more open to hear and discuss spiritual matters when the situations are tense there in the country of Israel. Thank you for your intercessory prayers and your giving! Everything is so appreciated!                        

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