Friday, January 8, 2021


                    Jeff with Jewish holocaust survivor, also fled war in East Ukraine

THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS! ONE YEAR PERMIT to minister in Ukraine was recently received! It has been quite a process waiting out, navigating the quarantine, and going to Serbia to open the visa process. The God of Israel hears and answers prayer!

Emilya, now in her eighties, was about three years old when Nazi aircraft started bombing her city in southern Ukraine. She remembers her grandmother shielding her and her sister as the bombs were hitting the surface. No doubt, she has been through a lot of pain. Even after that she experienced anti-Semitism by communist education systems in the former Soviet Union. She was glad to discuss spiritual subjects and had some very important questions. Emilya enjoyed some Jewish songs we sang with the accompaniment of the acoustic guitar that evening. She was truly grateful for the food package, and the prayers for healing that she needs for her hands and wrists following recent surgeries. Please pray for her to have a revelation and understanding of who the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) was, is and is to come. 

Thank you for your consistent prayers and support for this ministry to the Jewish people!

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