Tuesday, October 27, 2020


CURRENT PRAYER NEEDS                                    

Jeff still needs to receive religious worker visa in order to stay long term for entry / exit in Ukraine. Pray that this can be processed in November.  Pray for the upcoming Hanukkah outreaches in December.

Pray for Odessa leaders who are still recovering from complications that were caused by the COVID 19 virus. We praise the LORD that the congregations were recently reopened for services. 

Please pray that the Ukraine and Israel government officials will not close congregation public services during continuation of COVID 19.  (Israel recently had its second national lockdown.)

Pray for the Kyiv Magen Israel congregation worship team to have consistent and anointed leaders for the main Shabbat services.

Pray for the 100 Jewish people recently visited and given food packages in Zaporozhye. Pray for Messianic leader, Alexander, to have favor with those Jewish people who are open to the good news of Messiah. Additionally, he and his wife are training core leaders for the new congregation.

Please pray for consistent heating in apartment buildings and the congregation hall. Regarding those of us who do not have automobiles, pray for stamina to walk long distances and for the public transportation to remain operating. 

 *Photos - upper right, Jewish Messianic believer w/ Jeff

                - lower left, sunset in Kyiv, Ukraine


Unknown said...

The monthly opportunity to give keeps me in touch in a real way and I never forget to pray for you and all the people you are with. I pray for covering (cocooning!)and peace.

Jeff Coose said...

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers!

Unknown said...

I am so glad to be in touch with your mother and Dad. I found out that you have greater needs so have given you an upgrade!! :) Just give your thanks to the Lord. I am so aware He is the supplier of all good things -- for both of us -- I got an upgrade too.