Friday, June 26, 2020


When we begin to move into the center of the Father's will, we often find spiritual barriers and opposition in various forms.

I am writing you from Kyiv, Ukraine today. My daughter, Mikaela, has come under severe attack in number of areas in her life. She has had severe migraine headaches with little relief. Secondly, she has had several other tests done and they discovered black mold toxins in her body. These have created a number of other health issues.  Please pray for her complete healing. She has recently relocated to Oklahoma. Pray for her encouragement and emotional stability as well in the LORD.

Praise ADONAI for His provisions for Messiah's Compassion to bless many Jewish people here in Ukraine. All three cities are doing on- line services and prayer meetings during this COVID-19 crisis. It has stretched my Russian speaking abilities when I lead a Bible Study every Wednesday evening. Pray for all 5 congregations and their leaders to remain strong and healthy. Everyone is well thus far as I know.

God Bless You All ! !

P.S. I have had to temporarily deactivate Facebook due to a possibility of my account being compromised. Please pray that I can resolve this soon to have better connection with many people who are praying for Jewish people and Messiah's Compassion.

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