Thursday, May 7, 2020

Serving Jewish People during Pandemic COVID 19

Jeff serving Jewish husband and wife in Kyiv 
"Shalom, This is Rabbi Igor calling. How are you doing during this quarantine?"  A pause, then the crackling voice of concerned response, "Yes, I am okay, but I just wish this time would pass and that everyone would stay healthy."

Elderly Jewish people are especially in need of assistance with some food items and just basic help running some errands during this quarantine.  Your support of Messiah's Compassion has allowed us to help dozens of Jewish people in Kyiv, Zaporozhye, and Odessa. Likewise, families who have lost work during this pandemic period, are truly grateful for the food package gifts. Pastor Igor and I
Messianic Rabbi Igor assisting Jewish mother and daughter
always look for opportunities to pray and encourage these individuals and families. The actions of the Messianic believers are speaking words of life, making an impact on lives. We believe that we will see a harvest of Jewish people coming forward to Messiah as Savior. We remain faithful to pray and assist those around us in Ukraine. 


ISRAEL: Messiah's Compassion has assisted Return to Zion Messianic Congregation during this quarantine too. Leader Leon Mazin has been doing internet live Shabbat services during this time, and their outreach to needy Jewish immigrants has continued to be operational at their ministry center in Haifa. They are doing an awesome work of encouragement and tangible support during a critical time in Israel. Pray that many Jewish people will open their hearts to Yeshua (Jesus).


D, Barnes said...

Mr. Coose, do you have a Website?

Jeff Coose said...

Hello D, Barnes. Thanks for your interest in this ministry. Currently, I do not have a working website, but when it does operate in the future it is as follows:
I do have a personal facebook page that has mostly ministry posts about serving Jewish people at