Saturday, January 11, 2020


Blessed is the one who finds himself pressing on toward an intimate prayer life with ADONAI daily! Though 2019 on the calendar is history, there is so much to pray for in 2020. I would like to genuinely thank all of you who had been praying for the recent trips into Ukraine - months of September -October, December 2019.


-Fifteen Jewish people came to faith in Messiah during the past two outreaches.

-The transition of leadership in the Kyiv Magen Israel congregation has been going well.

-2020 plans for Messiah's Compassion involvement to a greater level in Ukraine and Israel

-Good health during many travels and my uncle Ron Simek who accompanied me in Autumn.

-New churches and individual partners in prayer and support that have been active in 2019.

- Opportunities to speak in Oklahoma churches.

Jewish father and son in Odessa, Ukraine


- Increasing clarity of plans for 2020 outreaches and more effectivity for longer periods overseas.

- Spiritual strength and wisdom for each congregation leader in five locations in Ukraine and two locations in ISRAEL.

- Good health and energy levels to minister with joy and endurance.

- Pray against recent sharp rise in anti-semitism especially in USA and Europe.

- Pray for Messiah's Compassion to make more connections the U.S. pastors / churches and individuals.

- Increased sensitivity of the Holy Spirit for personal and ministry spheres.

- Bold obedience to step out in faith in reaching Jewish people at new levels regarding the supernatural: healings, spiritual gifts, intense intercessory prayer, and expression of Messiah's great love.

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