Tuesday, October 29, 2019


After about 30 days of ministry in Ukraine in three cities, I want to thank the LORD and all of those who prayed for Messiah's Compassion during this past month. My uncle Ron S. and I saw many Jewish people receive ministry of prayer and compassion during services and home visits. We saw an amazing amount of holocaust survivors! Over 252 food packages were purchased for visits and prayer outreach. I especially appreciate the congregation teams in Odessa, Kyiv and SE Ukraine who worked tirelessly to see all these outreaches take place. At least 13 people prayed to receive Yeshua as Messiah! Many received prayer for healing of physical problems and were open to hear the good news of Jesus! I look forward to hearing to some testimonies from these Jewish people in the future. Thank you for your faithful giving to accelerate the ministry efforts of Messiah's Compassion among Jewish people.

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