Sunday, April 14, 2019


       Entrance to Promised Land Messianic Jewish Congregation in Odessa (Kotovskovo)

Why do some people try so hard to intimidate, spread fear, act bold in hate toward believers?Darkness and Light clash in this present world. Recently vandals lashed out in action against our partner congregation is Odessa, Ukraine. Not only do Messianic Jewish people worship here, but two other Ukrainian Christian congregations. As the photo reveals, all three signs were vandalized.  A couple of years ago, the signs were broken, likely by the same group or individual. Please pray that the believers who meet at this location will only be strengthened spiritually and pray for justice and the salvation of these vandals. Passover dinners are being planned and it's a very special time of year to invite Jewish people to the events to hear more about the Yeshua (Jesus) as the Passover Lamb! Please pray that these plans will go forward without interruption, but rather with celebration of victory and joy.


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