Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Hanukkah, "Festival of Dedication", is especially a joyous time for Jewish children around the world. Our partner congregations in Odessa, Ukraine are no exception. Here's a photo of the Messianic children's Menorah (Hanukkah) projects they made during this season.

Hundreds of needy Jewish families/individuals will receive Jacob's Hope food packages distributed in three cities in Ukraine during this season.Those in need in Israel regularly receive assistance through the Jacob's Hope Compassion Team and centers. Our prayer is for those who do not know Yeshua as Messiah, that the Light of Hanukkah will illuminate their hearts and they will invite Him to abide in their lives.

We are so grateful for your generous giving and intercessory prayers for the Jewish people whom we serve! Your sacrificial hearts is making an eternal impact in Jewish families and individuals. Over 100 Jewish people prayed to receive Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah in conjunction with Jacob's Hope ministries and their partner congregations in Ukraine alone; (a recent 12 month evaluation report.) 

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