Monday, September 18, 2017

FEAST of TRUMPETS / Rosh HaShanah

Wednesday, Sept. 20th at sunset will mark the celebration of the Feast of Trumpets (Shofar-blasts) in the new year of 5778 on the Hebrew calendar. (Numbers 29:1-6) Please intercede that many Jewish people will come to our Jacob's Hope partner congregations in Ukraine, Israel, and other countries as they will have special services this week. Pray that hearts would be open to make repentance at the sound of the shofar, and that new joy of salvation in Messiah would manifest in their lives!

Please pray for us, as Pastor Kevin W. and I will be departing for Ukraine on the 28th, first beginning this trip with ministry in Kyiv, Magen Israel congregation and their affiliate. A week later, we will minister in the Odessa congregations. May our Master give us favor with travel, strength, and very importantly- His anointing for the tasks ahead during outreach, teaching, preaching and making visitations into Jewish homes. Also see:

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