Saturday, June 13, 2015


Visitation of Holocaust survivor in Central Ukraine

The situation in East Ukraine continues to deteriorate with the peace deal violated for months now. Fortunately, over 5000 Jewish people have since made Israel their new home, returning to live in Israel permanently - fleeing the war zone and troubled times in Ukraine.

Jacob's Hope partners have been reaching out with compassion to these new immigrants as many are open and have experienced huge loss and trauma leaving the lives they once knew in East Ukraine.

The Odessa and Kiev Messianic Congregations continue to meet together without disruption to normal services.  However, the financial stress and economic turmoil has hit hard.  Please continue to pray that more local resources will be opened up for these faithful believers in Messiah, both in Ukraine and Russia.  Stats show poverty also growing now in Russia over the past year.

At this point, there seems to be no disruption for travel plans back to Ukraine in September or October.   Please pray that our new budget will soon be raised and completed; we are diligently working toward our goal!  Thank you for your faithfulness!   

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