Thursday, December 25, 2014

HIS INCARNATION - A Light to the Nations & the GLORY of ISRAEL

Outreach in SW Russia 

 Our family wishes you dear friends & family a blessed celebration of the Messiah's birth in Bethlehem which was foretold by the Jewish prophet Micah.

The need to hold up Jewish people in prayer today has likely never been greater.  Recent attacks in Southern Israel, Samaria, New York, and France are in the news reports. 

Our Messiah came into this world to seek and save the lost sheep of the house of Israel. We rejoice that during this past 4 year term of ministry, dozens of Jewish people have come to faith in Messiah through the various Jacob's Hope outreaches in Ukraine and other countries. Many are being discipled in local Messianic congregations who care about their spiritual well-being. 

We are so grateful for your ongoing prayers and financial support that make these ministries possible. You are making an eternal impact on Jewish people's lives!

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