Monday, February 17, 2025

Jewish People decide to follow Messiah

Pastor Leonid V. leads two congregations in Odessa, UA while serving often as a chaplain in war torn areas. Hanukkah 2024 saw many raise their hands, praying to receive Messiah! He writes, “In 2024, we have held 21 outreach services (16 holiday-themed and 5 with distribution of food aid packages); they were attended by about 2700 people in total. 42 Jewish people and more than 100 Gentiles professed faith and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior!”

Thank you for supporting Messiah's Compassion in order to partner in projects, prayer and support for Jewish Messianic congregations in Odessa, UA and other cities.

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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

New Lives enter the LORD's Kingdom in ISRAEL


New believers receive water immersion in Sea of Galilee

Or Chai Jewish Messianic congregation near Haifa, Israel recently had another water immersion event of three more new Jewish followers of Jesus (Yeshua)! Messiah's Compassion rejoices with them too. Earlier in 2024 it was good to get acquainted with some of them during a home Bible study group at the pastor's home. These leaders and young congregation are doing a wonderful job seeing the new work established! The Holy Spirit is leading and directing them weekly in their preparations and services. Thanks for your prayers and support for these kinds of ministries.

Your prayers for Pastor Alexander regarding his recent eye surgery in Zaporozhe, Ukraine are very much appreciated. He is recovering well and hopefully, his vision in that eye will be better now. He continues to serve the Jewish/Slavic Messianic congregation with online Shabbat services.

Please pray for Messiah's Compassion as we make plans to assist in an "Israel" conference in Czechia, then travel to minister to Jewish people in Ukraine in the upcoming weeks ahead. Plans are being made to serve again in ISRAEL as the LORD opens the door in 2025. 

Your prayers and support for Messiah's Compassion are greatly appreciated!

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Tuesday, December 10, 2024

2024 Hanukkah is Coming Soon


                                             Two friends looking out overview of Haifa port

Thank you for your continued prayers for the Jewish people in Israel and Ukraine! The ceasefire has with Lebanon has taken hold a few days ago. However, Syria's regime fell, and new rebel leaders have taken authority there. Israelis have had to take extra measures to protect the Golan Heights and to prevent terror acts on the border with Syria.

The new congregation Or Chai continues to do well outside of Haifa. Messiah's Compassion stays in contact with different leaders and workers in the Messianic congregations in Israel on a regular basis.

Please continue to pray for the Jewish people in Ukraine. The cities in southeast, especially Zaporozhe has come under severe attack. The Jewish Messianic pastor, Aleksandr and his wife are safe, but under tremendous pressure under the bombings. Many people have been injured and several died in the homes after enemies attacked them with large ballistic missiles. Please keep praying for their safety, especially there, Odessa and Kyiv. (All of the country). Additionally, please pray for Pastor Aleksandr regarding his upcoming eye surgery this month.

Hanukkah is coming soon and each location in Ukraine and Israel will reach out especially to the Jewish communities with humanitarian aid, special services and personal witness about the Messiah.

Thank you for your prayers and support!! 

Donate — Messiah's Compassion

Friday, November 8, 2024


Ma'alot in northern Israel (October 2024)    

Messiah's Compassion asks you to keep fervently praying for the Jewish people in ISRAEL and Ukraine, and all over Europe. Attacks both in Israel and Ukraine have intensified. It as though the enemy knows that his time is for bringing maximum harm and destruction. Pray for the protection and emotional and spiritual strength of the believers. A violent organized pogrom by pro- Muslim group injured at least 10 Israelis in Amsterdam, Holland. 

Nevertheless, the believers in the midst of all of this keep serving other Jewish people in Israel and Ukraine. The war front has become so intense in SE Ukraine (Zaporozhe) that many perished and many have been injured. Today, in Odessa there was loss of life and injuries. Pray that the terrible terrorists of war and destruction will be stopped by righteous nations. Pray that Messiah's Compassion can better assist those Jewish people in need during the hard winter months in Ukraine, while still standing with the new congregation plant in Israel with support and prayer!

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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Serving in Israel during FEAST of TABERNACLES

The Israelites were commanded to rejoice during the Feast of Sukkot (Booths) as according to the Scriptures. It has been a great joy for Messiah's Compassion to serve in the midst of troubling times, and yet bless the Jewish people during these Fall biblical holidays!

Several prayer meetings took place recently in Ma'alot with some local leaders and prayer partners. The LORD opened doors to share testimonies with a Jewish couple from Ukraine. They allowed us to pray for their physical needs as well. Despite the background sounds of various aircraft and defense systems, the LORD was gracious to allow these interactions and special prayer meetings. The Holy Spirit definitely is opening the hearts of the people to hear and thirst for His Word while seeking answers to all the complications of the war in Israel and Ukraine. (Additionally, Jeff was invited to preach via zoom internet for Zaporozhe, UA- Messianic Jewish congregation during Feast of Trumpets.)

Messiah's Compassion has been grateful for your prayers for protection. Several air sirens have caused us to go to the bomb shelter, but thankfully these have only been for short periods of time.

Thank you for your steadfast support and prayers! Messiah's Compassion is focused on obeying the LORD, and may He continue to guide and open doors to serve. The congregations in Israel are doing well. 
Serving Jewish seniors with Return to Zion congregation

Friday, October 4, 2024

Feast of Trumpets, New Year 5785

Shavei Tsion Jewish Messianic congregation 

Jeff helping with delivery of meals to Jewish senior citizens w/Shavei Tsion team

Writing to you today from ISRAEL, and Messiah's Compassion is so grateful for the faithfulness and protection over this Promised Land. On October 1st, there was a terrible attack with many missiles from Iran. Thankfully, the Israelis were able to intercept the majority of the missiles. We participated in many prayer meetings and recently in a Feast of Trumpets service yesterday. These are biblical feasts described in Leviticus 23, days of repentance, hearing the shofar blasts, calling people to return their hearts wholly unto the LORD. Please pray that many Israelis and Jewish people around the world will have a revelation of the need to repent of sins, returning unto the One True God of their forefathers.

Thank you for your generous support and prayers, as Jewish people will be visited during these Fall holidays. Thanks for supporting these projects in Israel and Ukraine so that Jewish people can hear the good news of Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah!

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Friday, September 20, 2024

New Life in ISRAEL

Greetings & Shalom from the Promise Land! Writing to you today from Israel, the photo above shows new believers (with leaders Dima & Mark), who recently received water immersion in the Sea of Galilee. What's even more exciting that this is beautiful growth for the new congregation that started about a year ago in a fast-growing area just outside of Haifa. Messiah's Compassion supports these efforts through Return to Zion congregation that has planted "Or Chai" congregation. MC was very blessed this week to participate in Or Chai's home group Bible study, and another special prayer meeting in Ma'alot in northern Israel. Thank you for your steadfast prayers and support as the LORD works among His people both here in ISRAEL and in Ukraine. 

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